This is how a widget builder addon class look like
namespace Modules\YourModuleName\Http\WidgetBuilder\Widgets;
use App\Helpers\SanitizeInput;
use Plugins\PageBuilder\Fields\Image;
use Plugins\PageBuilder\Fields\Repeater;
use Plugins\PageBuilder\Fields\Text;
use Plugins\PageBuilder\Fields\Textarea;
use Plugins\PageBuilder\Helpers\RepeaterField;
use Plugins\WidgetBuilder\Traits\LanguageFallbackForWidgetBuilder;
use Plugins\WidgetBuilder\WidgetBase;
class YourWidgetClassName extends WidgetBase
use LanguageFallbackForWidgetBuilder;
// this function is responsible for rending form in admin panel, when it //drag into the widget area
public function admin_render()
$output = $this->admin_form_before();
$output .= $this->admin_form_start();
$output .= $this->default_fields();
$widget_saved_values = $this->get_settings();
$output .= Image::get([
'name' => 'image',
'label' => __('Image / Logo'),
'value' => $widget_saved_values['image'] ?? null
$output .= Textarea::get([
'name' => 'description',
'label' => __('Description'),
'value' => $widget_saved_values['description'] ?? null
$output .= $this->admin_form_submit_button();
$output .= $this->admin_form_end();
$output .= $this->admin_form_after();
return $output;
public function frontend_render()
// TODO: Implement frontend_render() method.
$widget_saved_values = $this->get_settings();
$widget_title = SanitizeInput::esc_html($widget_saved_values['description'] ?? '');
$widget_logo = $widget_saved_values['image'] ?? '';
$image = render_image_markup_by_attachment_id($widget_logo, '', 'full');
$markup = $this->widget_column_start();
$markup .= '<div class="footer-widget widget center-text">
<div class="about_us_widget">
<a href="'.url('/').'" class="footer-logo">
<div class="footer-inner mt-4">
<div class="about-us-para"> '. $widget_title .' </div>
$markup .= $this->widget_column_end();
return $markup;
public function enable(): bool
return (bool)!is_null(tenant());
public function widget_title()
return __('Your Custom Widget Name');
Put the widget name along with the namespace in the module.json file “widgetBuilderAddon” array, make sure you add widget class with full namespace, as like below example