Create product

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Create product

Requirement of creating product

if you want to create a product then you need create some entities for creating product
1. category
2. units
3. sub category (optional), child category (optional)

tags, delivery options, brand, badge, color, size, custom attribute -> Those are optional

color size, custom attribute -> If you want to create product variant then those will be needed as per your requirement if you can’t find those then search inside leftside bar saerch box

You will find those page from left sidebar in admin panel

You can create the product only if you fill the requirements fully

lets go for creating product

First sing in as an admin and then goto product create page for that you can search it here and click on product create button

This is the page


Write your product name here your product name will converted automatically as slug but if you want to update slug you can do it


Slug field is unique you need to make sure your slug is unique

Provide some information about your product in summery field

in description field you can provide full description about your product

Brend field is optional if your product have brand you can select brand from here

For set your product price click on price tab

Here you can provide price, regular price and sale price here if you want to also you can select is this product is taxable or not if ths product is taxable then you can select a tax class


is taxable and tax class field will enable only if you select advance tax system you will find this inside admin panel left sidebar

If you select this one for your tax system then you will find those field in product create page

Back to product creation

For uploading image click on images tab

Upload you product image and product (gallery image -> optional) here

This are the most important section for your product for managin inventory


Those fields are required for creating product

SKU -> means stock keep unit this will help you to use pos management system also.

if you use our pos plugin then you can easily search your product by using pos manage plugin

This tags field will search product for google search engine

if you want to create product variant then click on attribute tab

Here you can select product size, product color

Additional Price -> this amount will be added to your product price

Extra cost -> This amount will help you to calculate your earning in future

Those field are required minimum amount will be zero for creating variant

When you select attribute then make sure you have clicked on this button

In category section you can select categories

The category field are required for creating product

sub category and child category field are optional

You can select if you want to show delivery option

Provide your your meta data for search engine but those are optional

From product settings section you can set some condition like you can set minimum purchase quantity

You can select maximum purchase quantity

If you want to get notified from system you can select inventory warning

You can select is this product are eligible for refund or not


For getting refund functionality you need to purchase our refund plugin

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