Changes Logs

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Changes Logs

Welcome to the Zaika – Ecommerce Shopping Laravel Platform Changes log. You will find all the details of the script regarding the update, what we have fixed, and what features we have added.

Version: 2.1.0

Date: 28th, November 2022

[added] laravel version updated 8 to 9

[fixed] homepage navbar issue fixed
[fixed] product price issue fixed
[fixed] campaign delete empty page issue solved
[fixed] inventory delete empty page issue solved
[fixed] attribute delete empty page issue solved

Version: 2.0.6

Date: 14 November 2022

[fixed] checkout page issue fixed
[fixed] payment gateway settings updated
[fixed] minor issue fixed

Version: 2.0.5

Date: 07 October 2022

[fixed] user profile image upload not working issue solved
[fixed] mobile app minor issue fixed
[fixed] admin panel dark mode icon switcher not showing issue solved 

Version: 2.0.4

Date: 08 September 2022

[improvement] redesign admin panel dashboard page

[fixed] social login security issue fixed
[fixed] product checkout page address issue solved
[fixed] product chart issue solved
[fixed] order page issue solved
[added] worked in checkout page to improve user experience
[fixed] mobile app api issue fixed in search screen
[fixed] coupon issue is fixed in mobile app apis

Version: 2.0.3

Date: 15 July 2022

[added] mobile app api support added
[fixed] register page 500 error issue solved

Version: 2.0.2

Date: 08 July 2022

[added] mobile app api support added
[fixed] comparison page issue solved
[fixed] cart showing 578 number of item there no item, issue solved

Version: 2.0.1

Date: 22 June 2022

[added] mobile api support added
[added] profile edit section country selection added
[added] profile edit section state selection system adde
[added] checkout page automatically user country and state selection added

[fixed] attribute wise image not changing issue fixed

Version: 2.0.0

Date: 13 April 2022

[added] 3new home page variant added with more page builder sections
[added] added clear option if anyone already select and attribute, want to revert it.
[added] category menu support added with drag & drop menu builder support.
[added] improve product page search filtering 
[added] added extended og meta data for share it on social media properly also it will help in seo 
[added] added option to select any page as home page

[fixed] quick view price not changing with attribute additional price fixed
[fixed] responsive menu issue fixed.
[fixed] blog/pages same slug issue fixed
[fixed] few more untracked bug fixed

Version: 1.0.6

Date: 26 February 2022

[fixed] attribute wise search issue

Version: 1.0.5

Date: 30 January 2022

[fixed] quantity showing in float in user dashboard issue fixed.
[fixed] quick view title not showing properly
[fixed] mega menu campaign product showing wrong price 
[fixed] campaign page issue solved.
[fixed] campaign price showing issue solved
[fixed] coupon issue solved
[fixed] add option to enable/disable check payment
[fixed] add option to enable/disable bank payment
[fixed] Compare does not show attributes on left column Only shows on the right column issue fixed
[fixed] cart page coupon issue fixed
[fixed] checkout page shipping tax issue fixed
[fixed] checkout page coupon issue fixed
[fixed] newsletter verify page issue solved

Version: 1.0.4

Date: 21 January 2022

[fixed] mega menu price showing issue solved
[fixed] stipe not redirecting issue solved
[fixed] quick view showing wrong price issue solved
[fixed] For Product comparison I cannot change text or image.
[fixed] compare page out of stock issue solve - -showing out of stock item in stock issue.
[fixed] product page rating sorting not working
[fixed] show rating in compare 
[fixed] product page breadcrumb title improvement, now it will show category/subcategory it it filter using these .
[fixed] After logging out with a product in cart - then login another user and product is there from previous user. now the system will clear old user cart/compare/wishlist data
[fixed] Thank You page for newsletter header footer added
[fixed] Badge not working I added a badge On Sale but did not work only shows in one section
[fixed] product details page price change from float to integer when change attribute price 
[fixed] product page filter by rating not working properly 
[fixed] improve quick page data view
[fixed] cart / checkout page showing error if default shipping address not exists
[fixed] Cannot change the Admin Profile picture. It says "The Username field it's required" when there Username it's already inserted.
[fixed] everything was working fine, but after I disabled all payment methods, when I access the cart, it gives the error 500
[fixed] blog layout break when limiting blog exerpt — blog page builder widgets/ blog/ blog serach/ blog category  / blog tags page issue fixed
[fixed] blog layout break when limiting blog exerpt — blog page builder widgets/ blog/ blog serach/ blog category  / blog tags page issue
[fixed] blog layout break when limiting blog exerpt — blog page builder widgets/ blog/ blog serach/ blog category  / blog tags page issue fixed
[fixed] Also can not set minimum order. When I tried it does not set. And if select zero shipping on checkout does not work
[fixed] coupon applied on category/subcategory/minimum order amount issue solved
[fixed] Shipping - last two option field missing 
[fixed] If a customer cancels the order from frontend the duplicate order is created with cancel status instead of changing the same order status.

[fixed] Also I see problem with campaign. Sometime it works but other times show zero.
And I test purchased items from campaign and shows zero sold still. 
||⇒ Campaign Product ⇒ stock

[fixed] If you can not display more than 2 items in compare.  pagination added in compare page
[fixed] Spelling / Grammar Corrections:

[fixed] cashfree payment gateway issue fixed
[fixed] razorpay payment gateway issue fixed

Version: 1.0.3

Date: 12 January 2022

[fixed] tax calculation issue in checkout page
[fixed] rating option is not showing for user
[fixed] cash on delivery product order mail not sending order details issue solved
[fixed] cash_on_delivery text change to cash on delivery in order success page
[fixed] enable/disable not working for rating by filter in product page issue solved
[fixed] showing 0 price in frontend if you add regular price 0 issue solve, not it will not show if price == 0
[fixed] compare page price showing wrong value issue fixed
[fixed] fixed discount percentage calculation issue. now it consistent in all pages
[fixed] fix image library not loading load more button in few areas

[added] added maintain page countdown system
[added] add decimal input for country and state taxes , now you can put 12.5 or 12

Version: 1.0.2

Date: 11 January 2022

[fixed] product mega menu wrong url issue solved
[fixed] fixed checkout page coupon and tax amount bug fixed
[fixed] change coupon error text to more user friendly 
[fixed] language make default issue has been solved
[fixed] mini cart issue solved
[fixed] page builder issue fixed
[fixed] translate word space issue
[fixed] few other minor bug fixed

[added] added option to add custom text for all content of checkout page
[added] product details page now showing campaign discount percentage
[added] 5 new payment gateway added Mercado pago, Instamojo, Cashfree, Payfast, Midtrans
[added] added image popup in product details page
[added] attribute wise image change option added

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 01 December 2022

[Fixed] item add to cart count mismatch
[Fixed] sidebar issue
[fixed] Updated translatable string json
[fixed] Page setting update error

[added] 'Buy Now' feature added
[added] Wishlist page text implement dynamic setting text and image from admin dashboard

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